
Showing posts from December, 2013

Spore Nerd Review: Valdis Story

During the Steam sale I decided to pick up Valdis Story: Abyssal City. It's an indie game made by Endless Fluff Games. You play as either Wyatt, a guy with a sword, or as Reina, a monk. For 40 years now a war has been raging between Angles and Demons and the population of humans who are caught in the middle, are slowly dwindling and are being forced to choose a side. As you wonder the world you will gather new gear, skills and find friends that will aid you in your struggle to end the war. The game reminds me of one of the original Metroid games or the early Castlevania games. If you want to check it out you can pick it up on the official website, or you can pick it up on Steam. The game is a ton of fun to play and worth checking it out.

Reaper of Souls Release Date

The end of the year is quickly approaching and the gaming industry is pushing out news like it just took some kind of laxative. Blizzard has announced the release date for Reaper of Souls, the expansion to Diablo 3.  March 25 2014. The expansion is going to go for $39.99 for the Digital Standard Edition and $59.99 for the Digital Deluxe Edition.

Something to save the Wii U

So it finally looks like the Wii U has a game that might be good. Hyrule Warriors, while it doesn't look like it's going to be part of the Legend of Zelda story, is going to take Link and put him in a Dynasty Warriors setting. The game looks like it will bring all the skills, gear and iconic enemies we've grown to know over the years of Legend of Zelda. It looks like the Wii U has finally come up with a game that looks pretty fun. The game doesn't have a release date yet but is supposed to be announced in 2014.

New Star Wars game

If you're anything like me you were really looking forward to the last Star Wars game only to have it vanish leaving us all with that giant light saber shaped hole in our hearts. But good news is here! disney Interactive let out some info on a new Star Wars game, Star Wars: Attack Squadrons. Star Wars: Attack Squadrons is going to be free-to-play space combat game for the PC. It will let players fly popular ships from the Star Wars world, and will support dogfights for up to 16 players at a time. It is being developed by Area 52 Games along with Disney Interactive and LucasArts. The closed beta is supposed to start of some time in early 2014. For a shot at signing up for the beta, screen shots and a game trailer you can head here .

A Spore Nerd Corner Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Review

So it's the opening weekend of the second of the Hobbit movies, The Desolation of Smaug. The first thing you should know is if you're going just to see the book  put to film you're going to be disappointing. It isn't and exact copy of the book, just like the first one, things have been added to fill out the story. Now that that's out of the way, this movie was amazing!  The entire movie I was on the edge of my seat with my mouth open. The Hobbit does what every movie is supposed to do and sucks you in and doesn't let you go for the entire time. The action will have you gasping as if you were there yourself, and the special effects will blow you away. Smaug the dragon has to be one of the coolest dragons in any movie in the history of movies and Benedict Cumberbatch was the perfect voice for Smaug. I had so much fun watching this movie I can't wait to see it again and can't tell you enough how great it was. Go see this movie!

Borderlands 2, Third Headhunter DLC

Gearbox recently let us know about the next part of the Headhunter pack for Borderlands 2, How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day. This story will take place in Gingerton where Marcus will ask us to investigate a train full of guns that are missing. Along with fighting traditional enemies you'll get to  fight evil snowmen and the boss Mr. Tinder Snowflake. This is the third of the headhunter packs along with Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler and TK Baha's Bloody  Harvest. It will be released December 17th for $2.99.

New Borderlands Game Announced

That's right a new Borderlands game has been announced but it's not what you're expecting... at least it wasn't what I was expecting. The new Borderlands game will be made Telltale games, and only getting consulting done by Gearbox. Telltale has made games like The Wolf Among Us, and the Walking Dead games and this one game is supposed to be along the same lines. The game is supposed to include the the vault hunters we already know along with other characters from the Borderlands universe. The episodic Borderlands series "Tales from the Borderlands" is supposed to be released sometime in 2014.