Ipad 3 release date?!

Were you one of those people that rushed out and grabbed one of those super amazing Ipad 2? Well get ready to do it again! That's right according to Bloomberg is saying that the ever better Ipad 3 will be released in March. I know Apple usually announces it's products on it's on in some super show and (rumor yet again) is that Apple will have that show in a week or so.

So whats this new Ipad supposed to have that is supposed to make us get rid of our  last one? The new Ipad is supposed to have a high-definition screen, quad-core processor and support for LTE networks making it able to transfer data even faster than before.

All super cool? of course it is. Am i going to rush out and grab one, no. I'm still really happy with my Ipad 2, and to be honest it cost way to much for me to just say good-bye.  Apple seems to come out with some super great update every year that ends up costing all of us fans hundreds of dollars. I'm going to be waiting for at least another year and pick up the ipad 4 or what ever ipad advancement they will have come up with by then.


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