Another Day Another Bounty 10.24.13

That's right it's a new day and another bounty has been released for all of us hunters in the Borderlands 2 Loot Hunt.

Today's bounty is DJ Tanner, he can be found in Magnys Lighthouse. This hunt is another that is in the Captain Scarlett DLC. He should drop the "Tidal Wave" that can be used for the community bounty.

Speaking of the community bounty, today's community bounty is Sand Worm Queens. You may remember fighting one while doing the My life for a sand sandskiff mission  early on in the DLC. A Sand Worm Queen is what leaps out of the sand and swallows Lionel's engine capacitor. I found the best place to find the Sand Worm Queen in Wurmwater just north of the Rustyard exit in a crater. You actually have to hope out of your skiff for them to spawn and they don't always spawn. I have a picture of the location down below.

Borderlands 2, Captain Scarlett DLC, Sand Worm Queen location.
Borderlands 2 screen shot, Captain Scarlett DLC, Sand Worm Queen location.


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