Mass Effect 3 News

Mass Effect 3 News!

New Ending Content

That's right new ending content. While a lot of people were hoping for an entirely new ending for Mass Effect 3, Bioware has said it's just not going to happen in order to uphold their "artistic integrity" but they will add more cinematic at the end to better explain all those little questions we have left. Lets just hope that this works out. While Bioware hasn't given out an exact date they have said that it will be sometime this summer.

First Real DLC

On another ME3 note we will be getting a DLC on the 10th of April. the content will include 2 new pvp maps, new classes and races including the Asari Justicar, Krogan Battlemaster, Batarian Soldier, Geth Infiltrator and more. I found this great trailer at, if you'd like to check it out here's a link.


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