Mists of Pandaria Review.

What has seemed to be one of the most controversial and down right worried about expansions is finally here. That's right Blizzard has finally released Mists of Pandaria.

The Mists of Pandaria expansion gave us the monk class, which can play as healer, dps and tank. Along with it the level cap has been increased to 90, we have a new land to explore, more mounts, and dungeons. Really it's your standard WoW expansion. Each one has added to the world and given us a little more to explore and do.

This actually has to be one my favorite expansion yet. The new land feels so much different than other lands we've traveled too. Even some of the creatures that roam the land are different than other creatures we've seen in the past.  The story so fun and keeps you interested as you go. While Cataclysm had you visiting different lands all over the world, Mists of Pandaria goes back to the formula of an entire new land to explore. You won't be able to just fly around this new land until level 90, I think this was to make you explore the land but it's well worth it.

After I awhile with Cataclysm I got bored with Wow and decided to take a break, but this expansion has brought me back and brought back that sense of fun I had when I first started playing WoW.


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