Sleepy Hollow Review

Tonight Fox premiered its new take on the story of the headless horseman, Sleepy Hollow.  The story takes place in now, with Ichabod Crane being brought back to life to help solve an ancient mystery from his own time. Along with him the Headless horseman comes back and goes on a killing spree. Witches, magic, demons all of which Ichobod and Lt. Abbie Mills, a local police officer, are going to have to face to stop the  Apocalypse.

For a first episode I actually enjoyed myself. The hour just flew by. The acting was good and the story moved along nicely. The one thing that bugged me is as the show goes along suddenly the horseman goes from wielding a magic axe to suddenly having a pump action shotgun and an assault rifle. In a show with magic, demons and all sorts of crazy stuff going on you could have just left it with the axe, assault weapons is just kinda weird. The show has a lot of potential, for both good and bad, and I'll be tuning in for the next episode.

Sleepy Hollow is on Fox, and you'll just have to check your local listings for times of when it's on.


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