Batman Arkham Asylum Quick Review

With the recent sale of Batman Arkham Asylum on Steam I figured I would give it a shot. In the past superhero games have been, to put it nicely, lacking. Batman Arkham Asylum however has reset my exceptions. This game not only has nice graphics, but a good, easy to use combat system that actually makes you feel like Batman, and a good amount of gadgets that also help along that Batman feeling. The voice acting was amazing, and story moves along a good pace.  Their are tons of extras to find, some helping along the back story of the asylum and some that are just for us Batman fans to geek out on.  Along with the story, their are different challenge modes that you can unlock where you have timed missions to take out a certain amount of enemies.

Their are some not so great things though. Sometimes the camera is in the worst position possible, especially in combat, and you'll find yourself fighting to get it where you can see what you're fighting. Also the some of the items that you have to scan with your bat vision are hard to scan because the camera you'll have trouble getting the camera to center up on the object your scanning. My biggest complaint is that the length. The story is only about nine hours long. To find all the extra items will take a bit more time but still I can't see it taking more than 12 hours. So if you're looking some epic game that's going to take some time to beat this isn't for you.

Pick this game up. Not on sale it's only like twenty bucks on Steam, and if you've ever used Steam you know they're always having a sale of some sort, especially as the holiday times come closer.


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