Warlords of Draenor Inventory Improvements

Warlords of Draenor Inventory Improvements

That's right, we've all been there. It seems that no matter how big your bags are, they're never big enough.  Between PvE gear, PvP gear, all those toys you've found while wondering around, heirlooms, and everything you've picked up for your professions you're bags are full and just then you find some abstract item you've been hunting for, for the last five years. But with the next expansion Blizzard has saved us from our woes.

Collections have been added for your Heirlooms and Toys. This makes it's only little menu for each of the collections, making everything truely account bound and easier to move them from toon to toon without having to mail them.

Quest items will no long take up space in your inventory but are being moved into a special Quest space. Bags can be set to only carry some items, armor, consumables, and so on so you don't have to keep hunting threw each bag to find something.

You're also able to craft directly from the bank. So no running back and forth trying to keep bag space open.


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