Final Borderlands 2 DLC

The day I've been dreading for oh so long has finally arrived.  That's right the final DLC for Borderlands 2 is on it's way. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed all the DLCs for Borderlands and think it's a shame that it's all coming to an end, but all great things do I guess.

The name of the DLC is Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax.  It's set on an abandoned island resort, Hammerlock has been kidnapped and it's up to us to save him. It's set to be  released on April 15 for $2.99.  If you go back threw my blog you can see info on most of the past downloadable content.

In a more positive note Borderlands 2 is headed to the Vita, but not until sometime this spring.


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