Anti-Gaming Senator Arrested

Feel free to get a little bit.... ok a major laugh out of this. California state senator Leland Yee has been arrested. Senator Yee was arrested by an undercover FBI agent for doing favors in exchange for campaign contributions. The favor was to set up a meeting between the undercover agent and an arms dealer to discuss the types of weapons the undercover agent might need. Yee has been released on $500,000 bond and hasn't made any statements about the case yet.

For gamers Yee is probably best known for a law passed in 2005 that stopped the retnal of violent games to minors. The law went the Supreme court in 2010 and was eventually struck-down. Later in 2013 Yee was quoted as saying:

Gamers have got to just quiet down. Gamers have no credibility in this argument. This is all about their lust for violence and the industry’s lust for money. This is a billion-dollar industry. This is about their self-interest.

I don't know about you but it seems that the morality police of the world more often than not end up being the people that are doing the very things they are against. Maybe they should pick up the video game and do it in a fictional world where they aren't going to get into real trouble, instead of going out into the real world where they are bound to end up in jail.


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