
Showing posts from October, 2014

Constantine goodness and Papa Midnite

We only just had our second episode of the new Constantine show and I loved it. The show moves smoothly, with the right amount of magic action, a dab of humor and a nice little mystery just to round it all out.  If you haven't check the series out it really is worth it. Something else that has me excited is when they showed scenes from next week we found out that Papa  Midnite will be making his first appearance.  He's another character from the comic series, sometimes friend, sometimes enemy, Mob boss, and witch doctor. I'm can't wait for that one.

Constantine, TV show review

Last night DC comics took another step into the TV world with the premier of Constantine. John Constantine is the star of the Hellblazer series of comics and books. The new show started off quick paced with possessions, mystic powers, demons, and an exorcise. Constantine, played by Matt Ryan, was his typical magician, detective self, full of cynical, deadpan humor and as usual being pulled back into the fight against the darkness. I really enjoyed this premiere. The humor wasn't over done and it moved fast. Maybe to fast, not giving us enough time to really get to know anybody, but hey, that's a premiere for you. I hope as the story goes along they do more to tell us about the characters and  the world that everything takes place in. Like I said though the show was good and I can't wait for the next episode.

Blacklist: The Front review

I'm usually a big fan of Blacklist, but something about tonight episode annoyed me.  I can't stand when shows stop thinking for themselves and just start to copy what's going on in the world around us, and that's just what tonight's episode has basically  done. A terrorist group gets  a hold of some ancient form of plague, alters it and releases it on the world. OK so that's the super short version, trying not to spoil anything for everybody but still you get the idea. I don't know, with all the "we're all going to die" going on 24/7 on the news with ebola, I don't want to watch it on TV too. I like to watch TV to escape all the crazy things that are happening in the world, I don't want to escape to a world where they are living out exactly what all the news channels are talking about could happen.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel first thoughts

Right now I'm about 7 hours into the new Borderlands game and I'm playing as Athena.  I was really excited about the game, I love the others and was happy to find out what made Handsome Jack who we all loved to hate. So far though, I've been a bit let down. Pros- Zero gravity is a lot fun Plenty of loot It's nice seeing some of the same old faces Cons- Not as funny Buggy Invisible walls Those how the heck do I get there moments. to much platforming Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel isn't a horrible game, but it's not even close to being as good as the past ones. It almost feels like they took a DLC and tried to turn it into it's own game. I'm hoping it picks up as I continue playing but I'm not holding my breath.

Welcome Back Warcraft

 Today we finally got the chance to see what your WoW toons look like with the new improved graphics this new expansions has. A new patch dropped today with that gave us the new character models, along with a short new adventure that sets up us for the next expansion. The event takes us to outside the Dark Portal, that has now changed colors, and our new enemy, the Iron Horde, is now spewing threw. I know you've watched the video blizzard posted ages ago that kinda explains what's going, and if you haven't checked it, what's wrong with you, and you can see it here . If what we get to see in this little patch, well not so little darn this was massive, is half as good as what we are going to see in the new expansion, it's going to be amazing. If the pandas drove you away now is a good time to come back and see what's going on. Warlords of Dreanor is going to drop November 13. Feel free to dance a jig glee, I know I am.

Mummy on the Orient Express, Review

Tonight's episode of Doctor Who, Mummy on the Orient Express, has to be one of my favorites in awhile. The story mashes together elements of Murder on the Orient Express and The Mummy with a sci-fi twist. The story starts off with the Doctor and Clara stepping out of the Tarids onto the Orient Express, which is now a space train. Anyway with the Doctor and Clara's relationship on the rocks, this is supposed to be one last trip before they say goodbye. But as usual things don't go as planned, and suddenly the body counts starts to rise as a mummy that only it's victims can see, starts taking people out. How will the Doctor save them, ooooo ahhhhhhhhh, yeah I guess you'll just have to watch. The story had the feeling of one of the older episodes, I mean a couple Doctors back kinda older episodes. It had a good quick flow, you were never wondering where they were now or what was going on. Their was a clear beginning, middle and an end and I actually felt like we ha...

WoW Patch Next Week!

Oh happy days! That's right, next week on the 14th the next patch for WoW is going up. Why am I so excited you ask? This patch is going to feature the new content, leading up to the invasion of the Iron Horde, not to mention updates to skills and abilities for each of the classes, but really it's the new content that has me dancing around like an idiot. If you want to hear the whole story behind what's happening, you can check it out on the official WoW website at here . It's actually a fun little read and I know it got me excited for the new content.

The Flash Premiere Review

I've been looking forward to premiere of the new Flash t.v. show. At first I wasn't sure if anybody could actually do a good super hero television show, but then I started watching The Arrow, another show on the same channel that is making The Flash, and actually really enjoy it. It's third season actually starts tonight, fingers crossed they don't screw it up. Anyway in a lot of premieres of televisions shows, they start off slow. Usually the entire story would be him getting his powers in some long drawn out manner leaving you kind of bored, but not in The Flash. The story moved along quickly getting him his powers in a flash... yeah I said it. It introduced all the characters letting us know everybody back-story quickly without leaving the viewer feeling lost about why they were. It gave us little hints about villians we may be seeing later in the story including Mirror Master and Killer Grodd, feel free to cheer, I know I did. I really enjoyed this premiere alon...