Welcome Back Warcraft

 Today we finally got the chance to see what your WoW toons look like with the new improved graphics this new expansions has. A new patch dropped today with that gave us the new character models, along with a short new adventure that sets up us for the next expansion.

The event takes us to outside the Dark Portal, that has now changed colors, and our new enemy, the Iron Horde, is now spewing threw. I know you've watched the video blizzard posted ages ago that kinda explains what's going, and if you haven't checked it, what's wrong with you, and you can see it here.

If what we get to see in this little patch, well not so little darn this was massive, is half as good as what we are going to see in the new expansion, it's going to be amazing. If the pandas drove you away now is a good time to come back and see what's going on. Warlords of Dreanor is going to drop November 13. Feel free to dance a jig glee, I know I am.


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