The Flash Premiere Review

I've been looking forward to premiere of the new Flash t.v. show. At first I wasn't sure if anybody could actually do a good super hero television show, but then I started watching The Arrow, another show on the same channel that is making The Flash, and actually really enjoy it. It's third season actually starts tonight, fingers crossed they don't screw it up.

Anyway in a lot of premieres of televisions shows, they start off slow. Usually the entire story would be him getting his powers in some long drawn out manner leaving you kind of bored, but not in The Flash. The story moved along quickly getting him his powers in a flash... yeah I said it. It introduced all the characters letting us know everybody back-story quickly without leaving the viewer feeling lost about why they were. It gave us little hints about villians we may be seeing later in the story including Mirror Master and Killer Grodd, feel free to cheer, I know I did.

I really enjoyed this premiere along with the first two episodes of Gotham, which raises my hopes that Constantine, premiering later this month, is going to be good too.


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