Gearbox has released news on the next DLC of Borderlands 2, T.K Baha's Bloody Harvest. We first met T.K. Baha in the first Borderlands game, blind, missing a leg and brandishing a shotgun. Spoilers, later in the game we find him murdered by bandits, hanging in his shack by his prosthetic leg. In the expansion "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned," T.K. make surprise reappearance as a zombie. Anyway, T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest is set to be released October 22, 2013 on PS3, XBox 360, and steam for $2.99. The DLC is set to have new missions, multiple side quests and a boss battle against the Pumpkin Kingpin. Along the quests you'll get different candies that give you temporary buffs. This is supposed to be the first of Borderlands 2 headhunter packs, where you take out a boss which will give you it's wearable head and a new skin for your character.
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