Fallout 4 Release Date

 Last night was the Bethesda E3 show. I manged to drool my way threw the entire event. Who couldn't with video of the new Doom game, Dishonored 2, and the super amazingness that is Fallout 4.

All the games looked amazing but my favorite by far was Fallout 4. The character creation looked more in-depth than anything I've ever seen before. You actually seem to sculpt each part of your characters face individually.  It looked as though most of the world can be torn down  into crafting materials, letting you put them back together as many different items. Everything from weapons and armor, to housing and turrets to defend it. The world looks huge, I just hope it's all as explorable and deep as games like Skyrim. Best of all Fallout 4 will launch 11-10-2015. That's right this year.


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