
Showing posts from February, 2012

Borderlands 2 new trailer!

That's right the shooter/rpg Borderlands is back with new toons and more more guns than ever before. But before  you start dancing your jig of glee I have more. What's that you say, more? Ok so you've already heard it's coming out but did you see the latest trailer that only just dropped... No? Ahh well I can help you out with this little link here: New Borderlands Vid! Sit back and enjoy all that blowing up, new toons, and claptrap getting his groove on.
That's right it's finally here, the Mass Effect 3 demo has finally blessed us with it's presence and boy was it worth it. It's not a super long demo but after all it is just a demo, but what a demo it was. You can choose to customize your character or just dive right on in. The demo mode came with an action section, a Role playing section and a story section. The combat is basically the same as ME 2 with nice new sound effects I thought sounded way better. All the classes and skills are back from our last games and the leveling system is basically the same with a new look with the exception of the ability to level a bunch of different things now. It reminded me more of the ME1 leveling instead. Also we are back to being able to customize weapons, sights, grips, barrels it's all there to make the each gaming experience your own. Talk is the same as the last games going back to the wheel selection. I've always liked it and thought it made choosing between be...

More Blizzard Delays!

As if we haven't been waiting long enough guess what blizzard has pushed back some of the most anticipated games for the year. Diablo 3 which was expected to launch early February, ya kinda late for that now right, has been pushed back to the April-June period of this year. After the game has been pushed back again and again I almost expect not to see Diablo until Christmas time, lets just hope I'm wrong. Along the same lines Blizzard also has said that only one other game will be released this year. That leaves us with  hope for either StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm and WoW's Mists of Pandaria. But that's if all goes according to plan and as that hasn't worked out very well lately I wouldn't hold my breath for either. I guess it's better to holdoff on the releases if they aren't working right rather than release something that is broken. The WoW wait isn't so bad since it feels like we only just got the last expansion but Diablo we've bee...

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review

So here are my first impressions about the ps3 version of Kingdoms that was released today. So far the combat is great. Fast paced, and easy to use. An odd thing though, no matter what weapon your carrying and using you can just bust out your shield. While it comes in handy at times I didn't think it made much sense. Other than that I'm having a blast hacking and slashing my way threw monsters and villains with a great selection of weapons. You get a special power to rewrite fate, it's like a super mode, god mode what ever you want it call it. The world slows down and you do brutal damage. You can turn it on as soon as the purple meter gets full and unleash your  fury, sooo much fun. Their are great RPG elements as well. A ton of quests everywhere, people to just sit and talk with and different professions to spend your time messing around with between battles. The world seems to be huge and give you plenty of space to explore. In the beginning you have a chance to cust...