Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review

So here are my first impressions about the ps3 version of Kingdoms that was released today.

So far the combat is great. Fast paced, and easy to use. An odd thing though, no matter what weapon your carrying and using you can just bust out your shield. While it comes in handy at times I didn't think it made much sense. Other than that I'm having a blast hacking and slashing my way threw monsters and villains with a great selection of weapons. You get a special power to rewrite fate, it's like a super mode, god mode what ever you want it call it. The world slows down and you do brutal damage. You can turn it on as soon as the purple meter gets full and unleash your  fury, sooo much fun.

Their are great RPG elements as well. A ton of quests everywhere, people to just sit and talk with and different professions to spend your time messing around with between battles. The world seems to be huge and give you plenty of space to explore. In the beginning you have a chance to customize your character with a choice of a couple different races, and your appearance. You get plenty of choices so you really feel like your character is your character.

As for length the game is as long as you make it. No they aren't going to hold your hand threw 60 hours of game play making you do each and every quest. You can blow threw the game if you really want but you'll be missing out on some of the best parts. All the little extra quests are what make the game.

The only problems I've seen so far is the voice acting can be a bit out off synch with the animation, and sometimes when you select an answer the game will highlight it showing that you've selected it and nothing will happen.  Eventually the game catches up, but this can be irritating.

On the whole I'm having a ton of fun and would recommend the game. I think the game is going to be one of those that you either love or hate. So if you're on the fence about go download the demo. It gives you the chance to explore and experience the game a bit before you go out and blow the $60 on it.


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