More Blizzard Delays!

As if we haven't been waiting long enough guess what blizzard has pushed back some of the most anticipated games for the year.

Diablo 3 which was expected to launch early February, ya kinda late for that now right, has been pushed back to the April-June period of this year. After the game has been pushed back again and again I almost expect not to see Diablo until Christmas time, lets just hope I'm wrong.

Along the same lines Blizzard also has said that only one other game will be released this year. That leaves us with  hope for either StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm and WoW's Mists of Pandaria. But that's if all goes according to plan and as that hasn't worked out very well lately I wouldn't hold my breath for either.

I guess it's better to holdoff on the releases if they aren't working right rather than release something that is broken. The WoW wait isn't so bad since it feels like we only just got the last expansion but Diablo we've been waiting for years. Come on Blizzard lets get a move on.


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