That's right it's finally here, the Mass Effect 3 demo has finally blessed us with it's presence and boy was it worth it.

It's not a super long demo but after all it is just a demo, but what a demo it was. You can choose to customize your character or just dive right on in. The demo mode came with an action section, a Role playing section and a story section.

The combat is basically the same as ME 2 with nice new sound effects I thought sounded way better. All the classes and skills are back from our last games and the leveling system is basically the same with a new look with the exception of the ability to level a bunch of different things now. It reminded me more of the ME1 leveling instead. Also we are back to being able to customize weapons, sights, grips, barrels it's all there to make the each gaming experience your own.

Talk is the same as the last games going back to the wheel selection. I've always liked it and thought it made choosing between being bad and good that much easier.

This is supposed to be the conclusion of the Shepard story, and while some people have thought it is the conclusion of Mass Effect in general rumor already abound that more will be made just without Shepard. If you enjoyed the past ME games this demo is going to get your excitement levels soaring with anticipation but if you hated past games don't expect anything new from this one. You can download the demo from XBox Live and the Playstation Network and is worth the check out if you're on the fence. The full game comes out March 6, on Xbox, Playstation and PC.


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