Best and Worst Game Endings

So we've all been there, we fight our way threw hours of game play to reach that amazing conclusion. That final boss that all of five minutes before seems like an impenetrable wall now lays bleeding on the floor in front of us, while we the player dances around, flipping off the screen shouting every insulting thing you can think of at that t.v. and then silence. The screen goes black and we wait for that aww inspiring final cinematic.  This is what all that time spent really comes down to, what we are really playing for, what keeps us coming back for more. Sometimes we are left with our jaws on the floor, tears in our eyes and a warm fuzzy feeling washing over use, and other times the that movie ends and the only thing that leaves our mouth is a loud "WHAT THE ...." well you get the idea. Here is a list of my favorite and most hated game endings.

The good.
  1. Final Fantasy 7,8
  2. Metroid
  3. Silent Hill2
  4. Warcraft 3 (Human ending)
  5. Xenogear
  6. Borderlands (go ninja claptrap)

The Bad (please keep in mind this doesn't mean the game is bad, a lot of these games were a blast, they just ended badly)
  1. Bulletstorm
  2. Rage
  3. NeverWinter 2
  4. Halo 2
At least that's my opinion. I'd love to hear your favorites and most hated game endings. Please write in and share.


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