Gaming, Laziness, and why you're Bored!
I was just reading about the new profession stuff for the the next WoW expansion and got excited. New things to farm, new items to craft and all that on top of a brand new world to explore. Then I read some of the posts after and people were complaining about having to farm new mats, and that brings me to this post and the state of gaming today.
Laziness, their is no other way to put. People used to take pride in the fact that they were playing the game. They would actually do the quests, and not for some little achievement but for the gear, the money or the story the quest provided. We used to farm materials and while it got frustrating at times we all knew we were going to get something pretty cool from it, a sword or a gem that gave us better stats or just looked neat. But now it seems like less and less people want to do any of that. They want everything handed to them, or they want to sit around a town while they wait for the in game group finder, finds them a group to run the same dungeon a dozen times so they can level and repeat the process with another dungeon. For some people this is fine. They don't have a lot of time to be playing the game and they really aren't interested in all the professions and quests anyway.
Then their are the people complaining they're bored. It's amazing how many people are bored that have never stepped outside into the world. They haven't run any of the quests, they haven't explored any of the huge world just sitting there, yet they're bored. Or the people that are getting angry because they are going to have to farm new materials for the next expansion. You don't want to do it but your bored.
Gamine, laziness and why you're bored? You're bored because you don't want to do all the little pieces that build up to that epic event. You don't want to take the time to farm stupid materials or explore the world. You're bored because you're only playing half the game and if you don't get some new in game material every couple of months you have nothing to do. Or rather you have something to do, you just don't want to do it.
So before you start complaining you have nothing to do in a game, stop and think. Is it you have nothing to do in a game or is it you just don't want to do what is there? And if you don't want to do what is there, why are you playing the game?
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