Guild Wars 2 first thoughts and WoW Patch 5.01

Guild Wars 2 First Thoughts

So I ran down to the store yesterday and picked up Guild Wars 2. The install went just fine along with the giant patch that came with it.

Actually I'm having a lot of fun so far. I started off with a Sylvari thief and eventually moved over  to a human thief, see a pattern here? Creating a character was fun, easy, and super customizable.

the combat is fun and interactive with neat flashy skills and a dodge roll that actually does something for you. The crafting is  easy to do and while you can only choose two crafting professions, you can change between the others for free.

My only complaint so far is that the town maps aren't designed very well. I've spend hours running around and around a single town trying to find one trainer. I thought I could just ask the guy that had the "Directions" written over his head, but even that didn't tell me where to go. Of course after a couple frustrated sighs and choice words I did eventually find where I was going.

While I haven't had a chance to use some of the major part of the game yet, like the world pvp, so far the game has been a blast and with no subscription fee, I would recommend picking  it up.

WoW Patch 5.01

So it's finally here the next WoW patch we've all been waiting for, some of us with excitement and others with dread. (They screwed up the totems for the poor shaman)

The patch has totally changed the skill system. Instead of having that big table to customize your chraracter, you now get one skill point every 15 levels. This is supposed to specialize your core skills and not just have a ton of filler. They've taken away Prime glyphs and minor glyphs seem to be more about how things will look. Achievements, pets and mounts are now account wide for the most part.  Something like the paladins charger you wont find a shaman riding around on. We now have AoE looting. So when you have that giant mound of dead mobs with a single click you can loot the entire group.

Something else we have to look forward to is on September 18-24 with the Attack on Theramore event.

Did I mention they screwed up the poor shaman totems? Anyway what do you think of the changes?


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