Star Wars: The Old Republic F2P Details

For those of us who have been waiting to hear anything at all about SWTOR going free, finally Bioware let out some details about what kind of limitations we are going to be dealing with.

F2P players will only be able to to do PvE Flashpoints, PvP Warzone and space missions, each three times a week. To get around this you'll be able to buy weekly passes for each that will give you unlimited access. I'm not exactly how this will effect story content but Bioware is still saying all the story content will remain free. Also they have limited the use of the Cargo Bay and your inventory storage, letting you expand both with the new "Cartel Coins."

Other things that will effect the F2P people are things like subscription people will have priority to log-in, their ability to quick travel and return to their factions space station (emergency fleet pass) will both have shorter times for subscribers. Along with a few other things that all basically are their for the convenience of the player. Basicly if you pay to play, they are going to make things just that much easier for you to go get around, and revive. Something tells me the F2P people are going to do a whole lot of running.

We still don't know exactly when SWTOR is going to go free, but I have to wonder do we really care. I was really excited about the game going free, but now with F2P games like Guild Wars 2, the excitement for Star Wars has kinda faded. With all the limitations put on the game isn't that going to take away from the entire experience? I'm going to end up playing eventually, but there's no way I'm going to be paying for a weekly pass just so I can rerun content.  With the amount of fans Star Wars, I'm sure the game will survive, but I think they are going to have to lighten up a bit if they want the game to grow.


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