The people have spoke, and bioware has listend...kinda.

Not to long ago Bioware released the restrictions for the free to play, players of Star Wars: The Old Republic and the people were not happy. Usually once something like this is released the people would be told to just deal with it, after all they aren't paying to play and if they really wanted no restrictions they would pay the subscription fee, but Bioware has decided to listen to their fans and ease those restrictions.

Originally for F2P players their would be no second action bar and Warzone battles would be limited to only three a week. With the new changes that second action bar is unlocked and the Warzone battles have been upped to five a week.

While it's not a huge change, it's something and for those of us looking forward to playing SWTOR but aren't willing to pay a subscription fee.

On a non-gaming note, I've posted my episode of "The Mad Scientist" on youtube and would really appreciate you all going and checking it out. Click here to do that.


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