Borderlands 2 News!

Today at PAX East Gearbox revleaed the latest of the vault hunter, Krieg. Krieg is going to be the sixth vault hunter, the second to be added to the game since it's release.

His special action will be Blood Axe Rampage. The skill will allow Krieg to regain his health while attacking using a high risk, high reward system. His three skill trees are Bloodlust, Mania and Hellborn. Mania will give rewards for taking damage, helping with cooldowns and tanking damage for teammates. Hellborn is all about elemental damage. Finally Bloodlust is about damages bonuses, things like a bonus for killing enemies with some sort of explosion and raising your chances of finding grenade ammo after using one.

Krieg will be available in May and isn't part of the Season pass. He should cost $10  or about 800 microsoft points.

In other Borderlands news the level cap, that we've all been waiting to raise, is finally going up. The plan is for it to be raised on April 2. This is going to give players 11 new levels but will cost players about $5 unless you have a season pass. Gearbox made sure to remind everybody that this is not the final piece of the Borderlands season pass and more campaign will arrive in the end of June.

Also on April 2 all players will be getting a free upgrade, yay free, with the adding of Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. In order to enter the new mode you'll have to reach level 50 and beat the game on True Vault Hunter Mode.

Lastly, a new weapon type will be put into the game because theirs no such thing as so many guns. Pearlescent weapons will be entering the game. They will be the most rare type of guns in the game (for now). I guess they were originally in the first Borderlands game not that I ever found one.


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