StarCraft 2 Review

I've been slowly puttering my way threw the first expansion to StarCraft 2, Heart of the Swarm. I probably could have beaten it faster, but it's not often something comes out that I've been looking forward to as much as this expansion and I wanted to savor it.

While the first StarCraft 2 game focused on the terran race. More specificlly Jim Raynor and his quest to save Kerrigan and stop the Dominion. That's a super abridged version, I'm trying not to give away anything in case you've made the horrible mistake of not playing yet. Anyway Heart of the Swarm focuses on the Zerg race and Kerrigan.

The story for Heart of the Swarm was great. I kept me interested the entire way threw. I never felt like things were dragging or that their was was just filler. My only complaint would be that it was relatively short. I managed to take about a week to beat this but if I would have just sat down and played it would have been done way sooner. On the same not you have to remember  this is the first of three expansion, and an expansion just isn't going to be that long.

The biggest part of this games expansion is it's online play. You can play against others, play against a an A.I. You can play just for fun or you can play and get ranked. As you play you'll gain experience earning you new emblems, and eventually new skins for some of the units. Their is so much stuff to unlock it should keep you going until the next expansion is released.

To sum things up this expansion was great. If you like strategy games, StarCraft games, or you're just looking for something to do this is worth picking up and enjoying yourself. If you just want to play by yourself you might want to wait until the price has gone down. For people that enjoy online and single or just online this is a must pick up.


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