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Borderlands Tweet
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MMM feel the Borderlands tweet of yummyness. On the recent post we get to see Krieg, the upcoming downloadable character, and get the official release date, May 14. If you would like to check it out yourself click here.
That's right a the road to being a ninja, because we all know nothing beats a ninja. So how do you become a ninja? First: You have to have a level 30 rogue, and a level 15 Pugilist. Second: You need to be done with the rogue story quest with the three treasures.( Found that out last night the hard way) Third: (unconfirmed) Do the story quest Sylph Management. You've probably already got it done, but still a lot of people told me I needed this one done. Forth: Once the first and second things are done go and talk to Jacke at the rogue's guild and he'll set you up with the quest chain for ninja.
That's right it's a new day and another bounty has been released for all of us hunters in the Borderlands 2 Loot Hunt. Today's bounty is DJ Tanner , he can be found in Magnys Lighthouse . This hunt is another that is in the Captain Scarlett DLC. He should drop the " Tidal Wave " that can be used for the community bounty. Speaking of the community bounty, today's community bounty is Sand Worm Queens . You may remember fighting one while doing the My life for a sand sandskiff mission early on in the DLC. A Sand Worm Queen is what leaps out of the sand and swallows Lionel's engine capacitor. I found the best place to find the Sand Worm Queen in Wurmwater just north of the Rustyard exit in a crater. You actually have to hope out of your skiff for them to spawn and they don't always spawn. I have a picture of the location down below. Borderlands 2 screen shot, Captain Scarlett DLC, Sand Worm Queen location.
Another MMO is going free to play. That's right recently the makers of WildStar have announced it's going free to play. I don't know if it's just going completely free and just charging people for the extras in-game or if you'll still have to buy the game but they are getting rid of the monthly fee. Really you didn't need to pay a monthly fee, I know I didn't for the short time I played the game. All you had to do was buy (with in-game money) the special tokens that would let you in-turn buy game time. That's right, it's the system that WoW picked up, which kinda makes me wonder if WoW is going to be going free sometime in the future. hmmmmm. Anyway Wildstar is supposed to be going free this fall. So if you haven't played or like me got tired of playing, this fall might be a good time to hop back into the game.
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