Iron Man 3 Garbage!

I was really looking forward to this Iron Man movie. I've always loved the Mandarin as a super villain especially against Iron Man. The ultimate battle of magic and technology, and was any of that in this movie? Nope!

They make the Mandarin into some drug addict nitwit. The so called "plot twist" you could see a mile away. To top it all off, Tony Stark doesn't even get to wear his suit for large portions of the movie. He spends most of his time playing MacGyver and getting his backside handed to him.

Don't go see this movie! Run from it! Run far, run fast and pray that Marvel doesn't let them screw up the next movie.


  1. The Mandarin's role as well as the origins of the rings like the comic books portray were totally a bummer. Fans are not stupid and these producers and directors shouldn't take them as such. Also...who was the main villain shown in the trailer...Guy Pearce or Ben Kingsley...Think about it! To much hype but yet another...bad trilogy! Comic books are there to kick start who the villain is and what he brings to the table. To go against that is a total contradiction in which the price results in the loss of your audience.


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