WoW: Warlords Pre-Order bonus items

Blizzard has finally let out the new for what we will get with the pre-order to the next expansion to World of Warcraft, Warlords of Draenor. The bonus will include a pet, a mount and an instant level raise to 90.  You'll get the bonus with both the Digital Deluxe version or the Standard version of the expansion.

People are still arguing if the instant raise to level 90 is a good idea or not. Blizzard is saying it will give people experience with a new toon at higher levels before they go straight into the new content without making them grind from level one. Other people argue that players will jump to higher levels with a class they don't understand making it near impossible to run instances, after all how do you tank a level 90 instance if you've only just barely played your character.

The closed beta is supposed to start "soon," so if you can't wait for the official release make sure to sign up now.


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