WoW WoD,pre-purchase news

In my last blog I told everybody about what it's going to be included in the pre-purchase of the new WoW expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Ahh but as always their has been a change.  Blizzard has released information that being able to booth a character to level 90 right after you pay for the expansion. According to the Blizzard post on facebook:

"That's a little different from the plan we laid out at BlizzCon, but based on the feedback, it's obvious that many of you would like the chance to get acquainted with a new class before heading into the expansion.

"This will also give more players the opportunity to experience the current end-game content and the events leading up to Garrosh's exodus to Draenor. Maybe you'll get your Legendary cloak from Wrathion and level 90-100 Heirloom weapon in the process."
 Also insta-levelling will in the "near future" be able to be purchased, letting your buy your new character up to level 90. Before this option hits the regular game you'll see it appear in the test realm. I still hate the idea of people being able to buy a level.  It takes time and work to level up a character yes, but in that time you're supposed to grow and learn how to play a character.  If we thought that lfr and dungeons were getting almost impossible to do, because nobody knows what they are doing, before.  It's only going to get worse now. But what do you think? Let me know in the comments.


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