Borderlands 2 Prequel?!

That's right Borderlands fans, according to reports later this year we are supposed to get a Borderlands  2 prequel on last generation systems and PC.

The rumor is that the game will take  place between Borderlands and Borderlands 2. You'll be able to choose between Athena the Gladiator, Wilhelm the Enforcer, Nisha the Lawbringer and Fragtrap who is supposed to be a combat version of Claptrap (could he be that slick ninja Claptrap we see at the end of Borderlands?) You maybe be saying those names sound kinda familiar, well they should. The four are Handsome Jack's lieutenants from the Borderlands 2. The game is supposed to be Jack as he starts making a name for himself looking for alien artifacts.

Rumors for new weapons include a new Cryo weapon. I'm assuming that means freaking the enemy. Also a jetpack is going to be added to get around.

The Borderlands 2 Prequel is being made by 2K Australia in conjunction with Gearbox. While we don't have a release date yet, the rumor is later on this year.


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