Fargo Review

I was a huge fan of the original Fargo movie so when the FX channel said that they would making a TV show I got really excited.

I'm not going to tell you all about the episode, if you've ever seen the movie, the show has a very similar theme to it.  I felt like the show started off a little slow but quickly picked up. The quirky, off beat sense of humor we all loved in the movie is all over the place in the show and the twisting plot kept my attention.  I did feel like they were making fun of the Wisconsin accent a little to much.

After the first half hour of the show I wasn't sure if I was actually going to like it, but by the end I couldn't wait for the next episode. In the end, in it's own round about, quirky way it had grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go. I'm not sure if the series is going to be great, but after the first episode I'm going to be watching the second.


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