Finally Finished Farcry 3

With Far Cry 4 coming closer, I decided to make my way threw Far Cry 3. I know I'm a game behind but that's what I do. I loved FC3 so much, nothing is more fun than randomly jumping off a nice high place with my flying squirrel suit and just flying threw the air. Yeah OK it's not called a flying squirrel suit but you get the idea. FC4 is looking amazing and is supposed to be launched November 18 this year on pretty much everything except Nintendo. With Wild Star I've only worked my way up to level 12 with my spell slinger. I know, I'm slow. It seems like most people are already working on end game content. I hate to blow threw games though. I like to take my time and enjoy the experience. Tonight I plan on getting my house, yay, and working more on my profession of weapons crafting. I haven't even started experimenting with the cooking yet. I said that I would post a picture of the toon I'm playing as now. If anything I get to keep progression of how he c...