
Showing posts from June, 2014

Finally Finished Farcry 3

With Far Cry 4 coming closer, I decided to make my way threw Far Cry 3. I know I'm a game behind but that's what I do. I loved FC3 so much, nothing is more fun than randomly jumping off a nice high place with my flying squirrel suit and just flying threw the air. Yeah OK it's not called a flying squirrel suit but you get the idea.  FC4 is looking amazing and is supposed to be launched November 18 this year on pretty much everything except Nintendo. With Wild Star I've only worked my way up to level 12 with my spell slinger. I know, I'm slow. It seems like most people are already working on end game content. I hate to blow threw games though. I like to take my time and enjoy the experience. Tonight I plan on getting my house, yay, and working more on my profession of weapons crafting. I haven't even started experimenting with the cooking yet. I said that I would post a picture of the toon I'm playing as now. If anything I get to keep progression of how he c...

Another Day Another Character

I've been playing WildStar a lot and I'm having a blast. I'm not sure I would say it's World of Warcraft good but it's well on it's way and with a bit of fixing up of the few bugs it has would be right up there with it. I ended up making a new character. One of the things that's been bugging me was the engineers little helper robots. I would be trying to run somewhere they would get attacked, I wouldn't notice and when I would try to start mining, one of my professions, I couldn't because I was in combat. It would even say I was in combat when I ran back to the town and when I tried to un-summon the robots it wouldn't let me. Really more often than not they were just in my way. I ended up making a Spell Slinger, a magic gunslinger kinda character. It's actually what I was planing on being when I first picked up the character until I was seduced by those darn little robots. I also decided to go with the Mordesh race, just to try something ...


So I had great plans of just heading out early and picking up Wildstar, then spending the day installing and playing. Of course it's never that easy. Picking up the game went just find, it was the last copy so I got a bit lucky there. The problem came when I got home, opened up the dvd drive and popped the disk in and nothing. I took it out put it back in..... nothing. I restarted, checked drivers, uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them with nothing but more nothing.  All this lead to me taking the laptop apart giving the inside a good cleaning, which included more than a little profanity, after all profanity helps fix everything along with duct tape and a hammer. After all that I put the dvd back into the drive, still nothing.  Anyway after a day of me fiddling with it, something must have clicked just right and it started working again. Wildstar got installed and I ended up making a Human Engineer that took the explorer path. I've only had a couple hours of play bu...

Wildstar Tomorrow

I've finally decided to do it. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a copy of Wildstar. I played the beta and never really got that far but I always had a lot of fun. I wasn't going to pick it up until it either went free to play, which seems to be what most mmo's are doing lately, or I could find the time cards which still hasn't happened. What made me finally decided to pick it up was watch random YouTube videoes. They showed how customizable everything was. From dying your armor to building a house, the house thing being the most important.... I want to build the house! And since we have even more dead time before the next WoW expansion I figured what the heck. I should have my first thoughts of the full game up sometime soon. On a different not I've been working really hard getting more of my work up on society6, and it hasn't been for naught. People are actually clicking the like button for some of it. If  you want to check it out just go to

Little Old Me

Well this isn't about games, but that's ok. If you've seen this blog before you might already know I'm an artist and I'm always trying to sell my work online. So if you like the weird and wonderful, or you just like to see what a little, no name artist is doing please check out my page on Society 6 at .  If you like do me a favor and tell your friends.

My Favorite Games of E3

So after sitting around watching endless videos of all the amazing games at the E3 show I've decided to put up a list of what I think are some of the top 10 best games to be shown. Batman: Arkham Knight Borderlands The Pre-Sequel  Destiny Dragon Age Inquisition Far Cry 4 Legend of Zelda Wii U Rise of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Battle Front The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Assassins Creed Unity That's my list in no particular order. What are you looking forward to? Feel free to leave a comment.