Another Day Another Character

I've been playing WildStar a lot and I'm having a blast. I'm not sure I would say it's World of Warcraft good but it's well on it's way and with a bit of fixing up of the few bugs it has would be right up there with it.

I ended up making a new character. One of the things that's been bugging me was the engineers little helper robots. I would be trying to run somewhere they would get attacked, I wouldn't notice and when I would try to start mining, one of my professions, I couldn't because I was in combat. It would even say I was in combat when I ran back to the town and when I tried to un-summon the robots it wouldn't let me. Really more often than not they were just in my way.

I ended up making a Spell Slinger, a magic gunslinger kinda character. It's actually what I was planing on being when I first picked up the character until I was seduced by those darn little robots. I also decided to go with the Mordesh race, just to try something new, but stayed with the explorer for my path cause all that jumping around and exploring was just fun.  I'll have a screen shot soon enough.

Really if you're still a fan of WoW but you are looking for something new to play, this is a good choice to pick up. If you weren't a WoW fan to begin with, don't like mmo's, or are just burnt out on them, and a lot of people seem to be, this probably isn't going to change your mind.


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