Wildstar Tomorrow

I've finally decided to do it. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a copy of Wildstar. I played the beta and never really got that far but I always had a lot of fun. I wasn't going to pick it up until it either went free to play, which seems to be what most mmo's are doing lately, or I could find the time cards which still hasn't happened.

What made me finally decided to pick it up was watch random YouTube videoes. They showed how customizable everything was. From dying your armor to building a house, the house thing being the most important.... I want to build the house! And since we have even more dead time before the next WoW expansion I figured what the heck. I should have my first thoughts of the full game up sometime soon.

On a different not I've been working really hard getting more of my work up on society6, and it hasn't been for naught. People are actually clicking the like button for some of it. If  you want to check it out just go to society6.com/arlas2000. While you're there like some of my work or even pick some up.


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