Doctor Who: Time Heist Review

In this episode the Doctor and Clara join forces with two others, a shape-shifting lady and a cyborg man, to rob a super secure bank for the Achitect. Who's the Architect, we don't know, why are they robbing the bank, we don't know. Why don't we know, everybody has willingly had their minds wiped. Anyway that's it in a nut shell.

To be honest I didn't like the beginning of the story. I felt lost and confused, and while that's how I was supposed to feel to add to the mystery of the story and who the Architect is, I didn't like it.  As the story moved along things were explained and by the end I felt satisfied and wasn't confused anymore. I've never been a big fan with stories that

I give the story an 8.5, I don't know if anybody else watched and in the beginning felt confused or almost like we missed the beginning of the story, but I did. After that the story was fun, it felt almost like an Oceans movie


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