MMO's and Raid Finder Woes

The great debate rages on, to give us a LFR in MMO's. "I just want a chance to do the raids, I don't have friends that do them so give me something that finds me a group for a raid," one group asks. " Just go make some friends and do the raid, stop being anti-social. If they make a raid finder, they'll have to nerf all the content," the other group says. World of Warcraft ended up adding an LFR, some people say that it ruined the game and others love it. Recently Destiny was released and while some of the content will find you a group, but not the raids, which has set the boards ablaze.

I look at WoW. Some people say that the LFR option has ruined the entire raiding experience, but really has it?  Has that taken away from the other raiding? NO! Yes the LFR is easy, but you can always get together with your friends, or guildies and run it on a normal difficultly, which is harder to complete, and you'll get different rewards for completing it. Is that still too easy? Well that's OK, just get those same friends or guildies and take the raid on heroic. Which will lead to more, and different loot, yet again. So did we loose anything by adding the LFR, nope. It just gives people the chance to partake in rest of the story that may not have a guild that raids, or not have that drive that makes them want the challenge of a full raid.

Really I think it just made people feel good, that their group could stand up and say "hey look what we did." It used to be a big deal when a raid was completed and an even bigger deal when it was beaten on a heroic difficulty.  When everybody beats something it looses a little something in that feeling of accomplishment.

In order to keep one group feeling good, do they have the right to basically take away content from other players? Should the other players just suck it up and work harder at making friends so they can beat the raid content? Should the people that don't think an LFR group can handle a raid just learn how to work better with strangers?

I don't like the idea of nerfing content just so people can slack their way threw a raid, but I still want the LFR. I can't stand the continual wiping in raids just so you can hope that you finally get it just right to take out that boss, even though it does feel amazing when you finally do.  I really just can't see what's so wrong with giving different levels of difficulty, let people take the game as far as they want to take it. This gives everybody what they want, a challenge for people that want it, and a way to find a group for those that don't have one. By not having an LFR and telling people to just find a group, all you do is make it harder for some people. Compromise is the key to success.


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