Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel First DLC

Today at the PAX Australia, during the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel panel, Gearbox announced that the first DLC will come November 11. The DLC will include the new character Jack the Doppelganger as the fifth playable character.

The doppelganger will be able to summon two Digi-Jacks to help the player out. The three skill trees will include Hero of this Story which will give buffs to grenades. Greater Good adds buffs to the "fight for your" mode for you and your friends. Lastly the Free Enterprise tree gives jack buffs when he picks up money and gets bonuses for using guns made by specific manufacturers.

This first DLC should be ready November 11 for $9.99, and is also part of the Season Pass that you can pick up for $29.99. Also rumor of another class coming out "The Baroness" is floating around the net, but their is no news as to when she will be making her debut.


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