Good Night Mr. Colbert

In 1996 I started watching what would be come one of my favorite shows of all time, The Daily Show. Jon Stewart opened an entire world of world events, and politics that before that I just didn't care about. Because of the Daily Show I actually started to watch the news. Stewart brought me something else too, Steven Colbert.

In 2005 Steven got his own show, The Colbert Report. Steven played a fictional anchorman he discribed as "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot."  He satirized political pundits tirelessly, in particular Bill O'Reilly.  Tonight was his final episode.

Colbert did so much more than make me laugh though. He made the insanity of the world bearable. No matter how crazy everything got, no matter how stupid I thought a political event was I knew I could turn on the Report and laugh my away my annoyance for a good half an hour.

The show ended in it's usual over the top craziness, I laughed my way threw the episode as I always do and at the very end Mr. Colbert thanked the Colbert Nation, but Mr. Colbert I'd like to thank you. You really did bring a lot of light to my, and so many others worlds. Thank you for making me laugh and making it seem like just maybe everything was going to be alright.

All is not lost though, we still have The Daily Show and Steven will be taking of the Late Show, replacing Letterman some time next year. Awhile he wont be the same over the top Steven Colbert we've grown to love over the years, I'm hoping the show is still just as funny.

Anyway if you haven't had your fill of The Colbert Report yet you can check out some of his greatest moments at :


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