WoW: For the Children Quest

So if you're like me you've made it threw the regular story quests of the latest WoW expansion and now you've starting doing the dailys, running heroics, and the recruit quests. I actually had a little problem with one that I didn't think would have any, For the Children.

You pick up the quest in your Lunarfall Inn or Frostwall  Tavern from Millhouse Manastorm. The quest sends you into heroic Upper Black Rock Spire where you'll pick up the iron star. It's hard to miss since it's marked on your map.

The problem comes after you've picked up the Iron Star. You'll head back to your garrison and won't be able to find Millhouse anywhere. The mini map will say he's right in the middle of your garrison but he's not. When I went back into the room where I found him to give me the quest I found rat right where he was. All I had to do to make Millhouse come back was kill the rat and around 15 min later Millhouse had re-spawned where the rat had been and you can turn in the quest.

For finishing the  quest you'll pick up a Manastorm's Duplicator toy, and Millhouse will become a follower for you.


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