Elder Scroll Online Hmmmm

Are you playing Elder Scroll Online? Well you should be. Yeah I know, I didn't think it was going to be any fun at all and at first I wasn't all that impressed but slowly that's changing.

I've been a huge Elder Scroll fan since Morrowind, and when mmo hit everybody put it down so I figured it would be F2P in a year, or just dead, so I stopped paying attention. Then they announced it was going to go B2P, kind of a newer concept, and I figured why what the heck. You really can't get something for nothing.

So no it's not Elder Scrolls, well it is but it isn't. If you go in expecting to play a copy of Skyrim you aren't going to be happy, and on launch their was a ton of bugs, and bots. Lets be on honest I don't think the game was completely thought threw when it was launched the first time. But this re-release, and that's what it really is, is actually a ton of fun. I haven't run into any bugs, or bots so far and I haven't seen anybody just camping around bosses to horde loot.

If you're looking for something different to play, with more of an action feel, and you don't want to pay a monthly fee, this game is worth picking up. Right you can pick it up for $60 and you can download it from Steam.


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