So this is the end.

So this is the end of StarCraft, Blizzard announced. OK so maybe not the end, end but with this last expansion, Legacy of the Void, will be the end of this StarCraft story, but the universe will persist.
"StarCraft will live on as a universe. We hope to explore some other aspects of the universe, but the storyline that was setup in StarCraft I and continued in StarCraft II will resolve in Legacy of the Void. All of those main characters will reach a nice satisfying conclusion."
So while we'll be sad to see Raynor, Kerrigan, and Zeratul  go, we can look forward to seeing what's next for the amazing Starcraft galaxy. 

Before that though we still have one last blast with this upcoming expansion. Blizzard announced that closed beta invites will start on March 31.  I know I'm going to have to replay my way threw StarCraft 2 before the next expansion hits.


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