Pillars of Eternity First Impressions

Pillars of Eternity (PoE) has to be some of the most fun I've had in awhile. PoE screams of D&D and the old Baldur's Gate games. I haven't seen games made in this style for so long now it's nice to see what is hopefully a comeback.

The character creator had a ton of options to pick from. It took me forever to make up my mind on what I wanted to play as. While a lot of games give you character options that don't actually effect the game, in PoE I've started two characters and both have had slight changes in the conversations and actions I can take.

The combat can be changed from a more active combat, where you jump from character to character making the game more hectic and difficult. Or you can go more old school, being able to pause and unpause as is needed giving you more control over what's going on.

I can't tell you how much fun I've been having with this game so far and I can't wait to get further into it. If you like old school RPG's, or D&D this is something to check out.


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