Yar Me Matey!

Finally something I've been saying is missing from the WoW world is going to be added, ocean combat! In the 6.2 version of the PTR you are now able to add shipyards to your garrison allowing your followers to do new sea missions. OK so we don't get to sail the boat around or anything but it's better than nothing.

The shipyard is also supposed to unlock a new zone, The Invasion of Tanaan Jungle. That's supposed to give us "open-world questing" with new rare monsters and treasures scattered around. It's also where the new raid, Hellfire Citadel, is going to be located. HFC is supposed to have 13 bosses.

If all that's not enough we'll also be getting the conclusion to the legendary ring quest line, some tweaks to our characters classes, more achievements and a mythic difficulty for dungeons.  If you want a full list of everything that's going to be happening here's a link, to the official sites patch notes.


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