So pugilist is fun too...

So the curse is alive and well. What curse is that, the curse when every time I see a high level character of another class I suddenly have an undying longing to play that class. This time it was the Monk. I saw a video of a high level Monk doing some kinda of Kamehameha in the air, I don't know what it's called, but dang that was slick. So suddenly the urge to watch some Dragon Ball kicked in and now I need to be a monk. That's right NEEEEEEEEED. I have issues. I'm sure I'll see another Naruto episode and I'll jump back to my ninja.

Maybe that's one of the things I like best about Final Fantasy XIV. I don't have to make an entire new toon to try that other class, all I have to do is change my weapon and poof, I'm a ninja, or poof I'm a monk. Really I can be anything I want as much as I want with that simple change.


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