Breaking up with the Alliance

Hi alliance, you're looking good. You've always had beautiful towns and rich lore. We've had some great times together but I have to love on. I know we've been together since back in the day of the Strategy games. Sure we lost the first war but we came back and took back Stormwind. Our first WoW toon was a Human Paladin. But I have to tell you, I've been seeing someone else. I've grown attached to my Tauren Shaman. We run dungeons and have even been raiding together... Successfully.

I know they aren't that great in battlegrounds and couldn't win Tol'Barad if we gave it to them, but pvp isn't everything. It's nice to get the fancy raiding gear. You're still nice to have around Alliance but I think I've just grown out of you. I mean really not being able to complete a ZB or ZG run by now? And you're trade chat? I know the horde can talk about some odd stuff, but not even close what junk I've been reading in yours.

I just need something more. I know you'll find somebody else. Maybe I'll be back one day when you've matured a little and are willing to listen to people that actually know what they're doing. Really everything will be ok, don't cry.


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