The Great Week of Patches

So the great week of patches has come and gone with both ups and downs.

The first WoW came out with the long awaited 4.3 patch. The patch included transmogrification, void storage, a raid finder, 3 new 5-man dungeons, new raid content including the defeat of Deathwing, and last but not least The Darkmoon Faire. The new 5-mans I thought were a blast and I've enjoyed them a lot more than the Zul dungeons. I haven't had a chance to use the raid finder or run the new raids because of my lack of gear but should be able to by the end of the week, not that I'm very good at the entire world of raiding but oh well, right. As for the Darkmoon Faire I've had a lot of fun running around playing all the little mini games. It's also a great place to level everything every profession you can think of. There have been some problems however. I made a warlock for giggles and can't delete him, it tells me that he has a heirloom or important item on him even though his mailbox, inventory, and equipment are all empty, go figure. Blizzard has been doing quick little updates since the release of 4.3 to fix any problems.

The other big patch that came out this week was for Skyrim. This patch was supposed to fix a bunch of problems including multiple crashing problems. The only problem with this  is the patch seems to have made more problems while not fixing much of anything. Before the patch the game never crashed once and now I've had it just drop out twice. Also you may have noticed that dragons maybe have learned to fly backwards.  As you can imagine the game gets a bit more complicated when in one breath the dragon is coming at you then poof he  swings it into reverse and backs out of your arrow. Bethesda has apologized for the patch and said that another patch would drop in a week. They also announced that patches would be dropping more often threw steam then  for the other systems.

If you have any questions, comments, thoughts or ideas please feel free to comment.

Lastly I still have my little shop up and running. Dare to be different and the envy of all your friends with an A Spore original. Just click,


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