Top games of 2011

So as the year draws to an end I'm looking back at some of the top games of the year.

  1. Skyrim- RPG
  2. Batman Arkham City- Action Adventure
  3. Uncharted 3-Action Adventure
  4. Gears of War 3- Action Adventure
  5. StarWars The Old Republic- MMORPG
  6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution-First person Rpg
  7. L.A. Noir- Action Adventure
  8. Dark Souls- Action RPG
  9. Modern Warfare 3-First Person Shooter
  10. Resistance 3-First Person Shooter
  11. Marvel VS. Capcom- Arcade Fighter
  12. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword- Action RPG
  13. Infamous 2- Action Adventure
All These games were a ton of fun and a lot of them you can pick up on the used rack or in a bargain bin somewhere right now. Of course it isn't all of them, if  their is one that you really loved this year, or a game that you just didn't like at all that's on my list, please feel free to write in.

Next Time:
The new year is here again and I'll have a list of games to be looking forward to.


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