Lego Simpsons, How could you Screw that up?

I was really looking forward to tonight episode of The Simpsons. I mean you can't get better than putting two classics together like The Simpsons and Lego. Well usually I would have thought that you can't get better but they really managed to mess this one up.

Usually I love the voice acting from The Simpsons but for  some reason tonight it felt forced, like they didn't have any feeling. I don't know how adding Lego to the show would change voice acting of a show that has been around as long as The Simpsons but hey, their you go.

The animation in this episode was terrible. With all the Lego work being done, between the games, the movies, and the millions of shorts all over the place, to mess up the animation, making it so choppy, is just wrong and really can't be ignored.

For a 550 special episode I'm really disappointing, and hope that when The Simpsons get to episode 600 they actually do it right.


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