Spider-Man 2 Movie Review

Well that was another two hours of my life that I can't get back. Spider-Man 2 was so boring. You would think that with three, yes THREE villains their could have been some action, but for an action movie not very much happens. Really we only get about a half an hour of super hero action and the rest of the movie is I love you but I can't have you, or can I? No I can't, yes I can.... back and forth and back and forth until you want everybody to just get zapped. OK I know, even in the comics the romances of Spider-Man play a big part of the story but when you only have a couple of hours to tell a story it's important to get into the story, move things along and not dwell on things.

Another problem with the movie is they tried to introduce to many characters all together. Three villains, all with minimal screen time. The whole movie felt more like they were setting up for their next movie rather than telling us a story.  While other Marvel movies, Iron Man, Thor, did a good job of setting us up for the Avengers, this movie failed.

Not all the movie was bad though. The special effects were good, but even with that some camera shots where over used. That one you always see looking down on Spider-Man as he leaps off buildings giving you that roller coaster feeling is used a lot, along with plenty off slow motion.

I was really looking forward to this movie, I enjoyed the last Spider-Man movie a lot and hoped they would continue with the series. Instead we got two hours of next to nothing except a set up for the next movie. Oh well at least I got a bag of popcorn out of it and a cherry coke.  Don't waste your money see this one in the theater. If you really love Spider-Man wait for the rental and if you're on the fence about him completely just skip this all together.


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